Suffer From A Bad Back? Here Are 5 Things That Help

The back is one of the crucial parts of the human body. It carries the body weight, lends support during walking or sitting, and offers balance. However, it is also one of the most neglected parts of the body. We do not think too deeply about our own posture while sitting or standing, the kind of mattress we use on the bed, whether we tend to slouch instead of keeping the spine straight, and so on. Soon, the back reacts with pain and soreness.

Most forms of back pain can be reduced or eliminated entirely by means of lumbar support, sleeping on the right mattress, maintaining a good posture, etc. You need to be careful if the back pain has become chronic in nature, or is a result of trauma or injury.

Consider these 5 tips for dealing with your back pain:

#1 Using a medicated mattress.

Most people are unaware of what a medicated mattress is, and the many benefits it provides to those with recent or chronic back pain. It is made out of materials like PU foam that provide uniform support to the body, while keeping the spinal alignment intact and offering pressure point relief. The best medicated mattresses in Dubai’s online mattress stores offer hypoallergenic and moisture-reduction properties, apart from sturdy backing that offers years of lump-free, non-saggy use. Medicated mattresses are vital for those suffering from chronic back pain, pain arising from trauma or injury, and senior citizens with compromised joint and bone health.

#2 Finding your sweet spot on the bed.

While on the subject of sleep, it is important to note that apart from a medicated mattress, you must also find out the best position to sleep in. Every person has a preferred sleep position that helps them fall asleep faster and relaxes them completely. Some people sleep on their back, others on their sides, still others on their bellies. Whatever the position you sleep in, ensure that it does not twist the back unnaturally, nor is any part of the spine sagging or pushed up during sleep (such as can happen when you sleep on your tummy).

#3 Keeping the back supported when you sit.

Most back pain can be traced back to inadequate or improper support while lying down or sitting. We’ve already covered support during sleeping with the right mattress, let’s now look at support during sitting. Use a chair with a back that moulds to your spine, instead of a straight back. If the chair you use offers inadequate support, you can use a lumbar support cushion in your chair. These cushions are available for sale with premium mattress and pillow stores in Dubai.

#4 Exercising to keep the back limber.

Being active on a bad back might seem counterproductive – but most back pain is exacerbated with inactivity. The more inactive you keep your back to rest it, the more it ‘freezes’ in a painful state and slows down the healing process. Ask your doctor about simple stretching exercises that you can do to keep the back limber and blood circulation going. Start the day with a gentle stretch while still seated in bed – raise both hands skyward and stretch them as far as you can. Repeat this five times to remove the stiffness from the back. You can even do back stretches while you are seated at your work desk. If you are up to it, you can do higher intensity exercises like swimming, jogging at the Corniche and yoga to keep the back supple and pain-free.

#5 Get massages from a qualified therapist.

Regular back massages help the blood circulation in the painful area, drain the lymph nodes and also stimulate sore muscles. You can sign up for back massages for a few weeks, provided you get them from a qualified physiotherapist. Avoid getting back massages from inexperienced masseurs/masseuses at beauty spas – they might aggravate the pressure points and increase pain instead of reducing it.

However, you must take your doctor’s prescribed medication and exercises seriously if the back pain is severe, or has compromised your lifestyle. The sooner you seek help, the faster you can arrest the problem and get a solution for it.



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