Remodeling Your Room? Start With The Bed

Redesigning a house is always a challenging and exciting prospect. It is one of the most life changing experiences you can have as a young couple looking to furnish your first home, or even as a second or third home owner. It tests your ingenuity like nothing else can. Most people hire an interior decorator to draw up plans and estimates, but you can easily remodel your home yourself with a bit of imagination and smart budgeting. Or you could be looking to remodel just your bedroom for now. It might seem like a daunting task at first – where do you begin from? But it helps to break it down a bit – let’s start with the bed and its surrounds. Here’s how you remodel the bed: * Change the bed frame. Have you considered that the bedroom would look and feel much classier if you changed your bed? We’re talking about getting a new frame that underlines your personal design aesthetic and offers a new dimension in spatial use. If you are aiming for a vintage look to your bedroom, y...